Thursday, August 13, 2009


LoLlipOp of d day~

my hair looked fake mehx??

in OOP class
tcher xtau y suddenly say bout sirim
LoLlipOp: "most of dat sirim cop on electrical device ba.."
Heng:"yaya...helmet oso got de...nehx~at UR HELMET thr oso got de ma"
LoLlipOp:"wah...wad my helmet wor...i dun hv helmet de la"
(i say so while touching my hair)
Heng:"nono...i mean helmet...ur helmet..."
he keep on wana explain wad he meant nia...


went citc rush ADIS today
i sit v woon when thr's oni 2 seat
keep on take d paper beat woon's and desmond's head
when they trying to talk v frdz
woon:"i noe today wad her purpose sitting here jor"
Desmond:"to 'rush' us lo..."
Woon:"yaya...while beating us..."
LoLlipOp:"5d do la!!!"


b4 got for CS...
Loh standing outside class jor
LOH:"laimuun...y today din come for my class har?"
i skip his lecture today
but y he can realize de!!!?
LoLlipOp:"hehe...doing ur CS ma~~"


exam time table out jor...
hvnt prepare anythg
+ no study week

lizard gave dis to mi
got daisy oni it de~
so cute~

LoLlipOp+Woen de good job~!
during CS~

cute bor?


Feel free to drop LoLlipOp comments ya~