kena bully 99 in skool
u all arhx
vincent ask whr am i
i tot he reach skool le...
dim zhi
all din come de
yau say play basketball wor...
den go citc find dexter
facebook~ing thr agn
y dis sem de class all so sienz de!!!?
statictic II lecture
when i was talking to lizard..
woen sit on my left...
once i look at her..
she draw my hand...
den faster say
'sry sry'
i was like... *tremble* -.-
wad wor..
i saw u purposely draw de..
still say sry... *faint*
let u geksei
after a while
den oni she said
"actually i put my pen bside ur hand for a time jor de..."
"thinking wan draw anot"
"dim zhi...once i draw u jau c here jor"
Database Tutorial
when i was copying tcher's ans from d board
cz she use too many short form
"example IB changed to DIB"
LoLlipOp:'what is IB stand for?'
Nicholas:'International Bacalaureately'
LoLlipOp:'huh?'(cz i cant reli hear him...)
All:'stupid..dat is a course name la'
reach home at 5
waiting dadi come back
almost 8-.-oni he reach home
cz wan celebrate aunty bday...
so late oni eat dinner
肥死 ....
today line got problem 99!!
keep on disconnect nia
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